
Volume 4, No. 4(34), 2020

Grishin V.I., Glebova M.A., Dudarkov Yu.I., Levchenko E.A., Limonin M.V.
Strength analysis of structural elements and metal-composite joints of a flying vehicle


Gladyshev A.B., Dmitriev D.D., Ratushnyak V.N., Zhgun A.V., Gritsan O.B.
Stand for measuring the directional characteristics of antennas of satellite communication systems


Golovanov S.M., Orlov V.I., Fedosov V.V.
Using the concepts of homogeneity in additional tests of electronic components for space applications


Krikunov I.L., Gaipov K.E.
Application of piecewise-linear approximation of probabilistic-time characteristics of queuing systems


Sukhotin V.V., Tikhtenko A.S., Zhgun A.V., Sidorin V.A.
Digital filter for device of determining coordinates of radio signal source in satellite telecommunications systems


Chebotarev V.E., Vorontsova E.O.
Method of providing energy resources to a circumlunar satellite for passing longduration shadow zones


Volume 4, No. 3(33), 2020

Shevchuk A.A., Pastushenko O.V., Dvirniy V.V., Dvirniy G.V., Filatov A.A.
Problems of irradiance characteristics measurement of solar simulators for ground spacecraft tests


Khabibullin R.M., Starinova O.L.
Non-coplanar interplanetary flight simulation considering motion relative to the center of mass peculiarities of solar sail spacecraft


Soloviev S.V.
Justification of the choice of the method and criterion of clustering for intelligent analysis in flight control spacecraft


Starinova O.L., Sergaeva E.A., Shornikov A.Yu.
Design and ballistic analysis of the mission for long-term study of the asteroid Apophis by a nanosatellite with an electric rocket propulsion system


Mikhaylenko L.A., Rusin D.S., Ustimenko V.V., Chubar A.V.
Parametric synthesis of the controller by metaheuristic algorithm in the SimInTech environment


Mikhaylenko L.A., Ustimenko V.V., Chubar A.V.
Designing a control system for the orientation of solar panels in the dynamic simulation environment of SimInTech technical systems


Volume 4, No. 2(32), 2020

Volotsuev V.V., Salmin V.V.
Analysis of the cyclogram of maintaining a low working orbit of a spacecraft of the AIST-2 class using an electric jet engine


Anshakov G.P., Krestina A.V., Tkachenko I.S.
Analysis of the effectiveness of the de-orbiting devices for small satellite


Kazantsev Z.A., Eroshenko A.M., Uvaev I.V., Lopatin A.V.
Parabolic transformable reflector for CubeSat platform


Gluzdov A.N., Gorbulin P.V., Kotyashov E.V., Kuvaev O.L.
Method of graphoanalytical finding borders space-time areas of reachability service spacecraft man-made space objects in geostationary orbit


Isaeva O.S., Nozhenkova L.F., Mishurov A.V., Kamyshnikov A.N., Evstratko V.V., Chernigovskiy A.S.
Creation of the spacecraft’s command-and-measurement system’s heterogeneous simulation model


Krat N.M.
Vector network analyzer usage at calibration of delay in satellite radio navigation system signal simulators


Volume 4, No. 1(31), 2020

Khabibullin R.M.
Procedure for forming nominal control program of solar sail spacecraft heliocentric movement using locally optimal control laws


Asadov H.H., Mamedova U.F.
Questions on utilization of different height balloon sources of optical radiation for calibration of network of ground microtelescopes for tracking of orbital satellites


Prokhorov M.A., Tsvetkov A.Yu., Tolmachev A.A.
Development of an automated system for deploying software for automated workstations of the spacecraft flight control center


Zuev D.M., Okhotkin K.G.
Modified formulas for maximum deflection of a cantilever under transverse loading


Mikhalkin V.M., Pastushenko O.V., Dvirniy V.V., Dvirniy G.V., Shevchuk A.A.
Reducing operational costs of thermal vacuum testing of spacecraft via gaseous nitrogen thermal conditioning technology


Blinov V.V., Vladimirov V.M., Kushnarev N.A., Nikiforov A.I., Pridachin D.B., Pchelyakov D.O., Pchelyakov O.P., Skorodelov V.A., Sokolov L.V.
Growing semiconductor structures for high-performance solar cells in open space
