

№1-2 2016


Nanoextrusions the technology of manufacture of structural aluminium profiles


1,2G.G. Krushenko, 2S.N. Reshetnikova, 2G.V. Dvirniy


1Institute Computational Modeling SB RAS
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
2Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


One of the important tasks of space engineering is a maximum weight reduction while ensuring the required mechanical characteristics as the main parts of the spacecraft (SC) and launcher, which includes an auxiliary host adapter designed for mechanical connection of the SC with the launch vehicle. And the reduction of its mass were solved by different means. For example, the adapter of the launch vehicle «Ariane-5» was assembled from segments filled with aluminum foam. In this case, the gain was how to reduce the weight compared to the weight of the adapter from the sheet material and to increase its resistance to deformation and vibration. The next step on the way to the relief of the mass of the adapter is the manufacture of composite anisakidae «grid». These adapters replaced the metal. There is one more option of making adapters and other mesh designs with the use of aluminum profiles with a fibrous internal structure, which are obtained by extrusion (extrusion) of the composition consisting of particles of aluminum and nanopowder (NP) chemical compounds. Fibrous structure of the profiles ensures their high mechanical properties, including bending strength, and the ability to repay vibration.


spacecraft, adapter: all-metal, foam filled, anizogrid, fibrous


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For citing this article

Krushenko G.G., Reshetnikova S.N., Dvirniy G.V. Nanoextrusions the technology of manufacture of structural aluminium profiles // The Research of the Science City, 2016, no. 1-2, pp. 46-50.

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