

№3-4 2016


Impact of high-velocity technogenic debris on complex technical objects and their elements


E.I. Kraus, I.I. Shabalin


Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation


Collisions of high-speed particles of space debris with complex technical objects in orbit can cause both local and catastrophic damage to the latter, and secondary fragments with high speed enough to lead to a devastating avalanche: depressurization of the coolant circuit pipes, control systems, etc. Modeling of fast processes in solids at high speed impact require a versatile approach at creation of numerical tools, namely, to the mass balance equations, momentum, and energy necessary to add the equation of state and the equation process, realistically describe the behavior of materials under extreme loads. In addition, numerous materials, constituent complex technical objects have a strong enough scatter, both geometric and weight parameters, which requires a sufficiently detailed difference grid and reasonable averaging properties of materials. In the software REACTOR 2D used symmetric algorithm of calculating contact boundaries and discrete-continuous approach provides the ability complete solution of a problem. This paper presents a spacecraft with a particle collision calculation of technogenic debris and showed that 11.7 km/s and more at speeds collision leads to catastrophic consequences.


complex technical objects, accident situations, space debris, impact


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For citing this article

Kraus E.I., Shabalin I.I. Impact of high-velocity technogenic debris on complex technical objects and their elements // The Research of the Science City, 2016, no. 3-4, pp. 6-11.

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