Architecture of onboard control system for small spacecrafts based on network technologiesAuthors
1O.V. Nepomnyashchy, 1A.I. Postnikov, 1V.V. Goreva, 2S.S. VarochkinOrganizations
1Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
2JSC «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite Systems»
Zheleznogorsk, Russian Federation
The methods of organizing the network interaction of onboard spacecraft equipment on the basis of SpaceWire standard are considered. The architecture of the reconfigurable onboard control complex is proposed. With the aim of ensuring reconfigurability, software customization, universality and satisfaction with the current international and Russian standards for the operation of spacecrafts and onboard equipment, the basis of the onboard computer system under development is the trunk-module principle of hardware integration. This allows to create on board a single information space based on the onboard communication network standard SpaceWire / SpaceWire-RUS. The main computing unit of the complex is a central processing unit, and the network architecture is built on the basis of routing network switches. This allows to organize a modular construction of the complex, based on the principle of interchangeability of the hardware modules included in its composition. This approach allows integration of various onboard equipment into a single information and computing system based on standard interfaces. In addition, due to the developed principle of the onboard network organization, a new method of reserving equipment onboard the spacecraft is provided – a way of reserving functionality. This allows reducing the cost of redundant modules by using fewer additional elements, making a module with new functionality from one or a combination of several modules, or changing the functionality of the module without physically rewiring the data lines, ensuring openness of the technology - no restrictions when choosing a segment of the future network, to ensure the scalability of the technology – when adding / removing from the system of the component does not lead to refinement or processing all the system, to provide increased bandwidth of exchange channels to provide exchange with target equipment, which generates large amounts of data, to provide support for a large number of subscribers of the network.Keywords
small spacecraft, onboard control system, SpaceWire, networkReferences
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For citing this article
Nepomnyashchy O.V., Postnikov A.I., Goreva V.V., Varochkin S.S. Architecture of onboard control system for small spacecrafts based on network technologies // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 22-29.
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