

№1 2017


Measurement of a difference phases of signals in satellite communication systems with use of one geostationary artificial earth satellite


F.V. Ovchinnikov, V.V. Sukhotin


Siberian Federal University
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


In radio systems, such locations, navigation, direction finding and radio measurements, the phase difference of signals is widely used as the primary source of information about the object. In this connection, the great numbers of the researchers working in these areas are in search of new high-precision methods of measurement of a difference phases of signals on an extent more than 20 years. The possibility of measurement of a difference phases of the signals received in various time points from one source of a radio emission in relation to a problem of radio direction finding with use of satellite communication systems is considered. Two function charts digital the phases measuring of devices are investigated. The description of each functional block entering the studied model is given. Dependences of an error of measurement of a difference phases when using digital methods of measurement phase shift from possible sources of errors are investigated. Results of modeling on the computer taking into account the features and errors brought by each functional block are given. The research on relevance of application of the chosen way of digital measurement of a difference phases, taking into account application of modern radio engineering means is conducted. Conclusions about the possibility of measuring the phase difference of signals received at different instants of time are drawn. It is told about continuation of the works connected with measurement of a difference phases of signals with presence of noise, averaging on several periods for the purpose of increase in accuracy and also the accounting of a trajectory of the movement of the satellite.


phase shift, radio direction finding, digital measuring instrument of a difference phases, error of indirect measurements, program modeling, satellite communication system, geostationary satellite


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For citing this article

Ovchinnikov F.V., Sukhotin V.V. Measurement of a difference phases of signals in satellite communication systems with use of one geostationary artificial earth satellite // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 30-37.

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