

№3 2017


Computational investigation of nonstationary processes at launch of the rocket engine


V.P. Zyuzlikov, B.E. Sinilshchikov, V.B. Sinilshchikov, M.V. Rakitskaya


Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. Ustinov
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


Nonstationary processes in the nozzle and the development of a nonstationary jet at launch of the rocket engine are considered, nonstationary gas-dynamic loads acting on the bottom part of the space rocket at launch are determined. Nonstationary Navier–Stokes equations completed with algebraic models of turbulence are solved numerically. Separated flows in the nozzle which, as is shown by the authors, essentially influence on the load values are taken into consideration. Two variants of build-up time are studied: for a short build-up time and for the build-up time that is typical of modern engines used in the space rockets. The computational results for the gas temperature field, static pressure, the Mach numbers, as well as graphs of pressure on the rocket bottom are presented. It is shown that for the both versions of the launch due to the transition from the air outflow from the nozzle to the combustion products outflow and due to separated flows in the nozzle, the mass flow through the nozzle section first reaches its maximum and then decreases sharply. This leads to formation of rarefaction waves that essentially influence the load values. In a certain time a phase of oscillatory action begins. It is shown that the beginning of the phase is determined by approach of the intersection point of the last (boundary) characteristic Prandtl–Mayer flow and the Mach disс to the jet axis. This is accompanied with reformation of wave structure, as the result of which the Mach disс rearrange itself in a curvilinear convex shock wave. Theoretical frequencies of oscillation, as well as the frequencies measured at launch, are considerably lower than the frequencies of Powell oscillation.


rocket engine, nozzle, shock wave, separation, pressure, rarefaction


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For citing this article

Zyuzlikov V.P., Sinilshchikov B.E., Sinilshchikov V.B., Rakitskaya M.V. Computational investigation of nonstationary processes at launch of the rocket engine // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 103-114. doi: 10.26732/2225-9449-2017-3-103-114

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