Resources of increase operational and technical-economic indices of heat-enginesAuthors
1V.A. Pinchuk, 2A.V. PinchukOrganizations
1Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. UstinovSaint Petersburg, Russian Federation
2R&D Center «Protei»
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
In the work the attention is paid to existence of new, traditionally not accounted (earlier not known in that number) resources for increase of both operational and technical-economic indices of heat-engines is substantiated. It’s noted that operational performances of heat-engines could be raised by diagnostics efficiency increasing of both quality of working process of the engine and states of the one’s material part. The noted, in the one’s turn, could be substantiated with including of electro-physical information being registered in the flows of combustion products behind nozzle exit section into structure of diagnostics information. In the frame of additional resources finding for increasing of technical-economic indices of heat-engines it’s paid attention onto principal possibilities of additional energy-supplying of the engine’s working cycle with energy of intra-nuclear origin. Being forecasted productivity and practical expediency of using of the noted so possibilities for improvement of technical-economic and operational indices of heat-engines are substantiated in that number with experiment results. Practical using of being noted so resources demands however an additional investigations and can be substantiated only on the base of needed organizing, financial, material and technical investments.Keywords
technical and economic indices, power efficiency, operational reliability, engines technical diagnosticsReferences
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For citing this article
Pinchuk V.A., Pinchuk A.V. Resources of increase operational and technical-economic indices of heat-engines // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 115-125. doi: 10.26732/2225-9449-2017-3-115-125
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