
Methods of electronic warfare in space navigation and protection of spacecraftsAuthor
R.B. KovalyovOrganization
JSC Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite SystemsZheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation
The main element of the electronic warfare content is the radio traffic blackout between the radioelectronic means by means of jamming countermeasures and false targets. It was carried out in separate radioelectronic means of information transmission through masking jamming up to the beginning of the Second World War. Against to the first radioelectronic means of information retrieval (by radar stations) were developed effective methods of passive jamming which simulating real objects and facilitating of false information to the opposition. With the development and improvement of electronic warfare devices were opened the prospects of impact on radioelectronic means by deception active jamming and even if it is possible to filter out true information from false information the presence of the false information sometimes significantly complicates the assessment of the situation during the military operation. In addition, the impact on the modern radioelectronic system which includes a computer can be implemented through the radio channel of plausible information messages containing computer viruses that penetrate to the computer network up to the highest army and weapon controls. Along with this the saturation of jamming countermeasures means in a local area leads to the isolation of such radioelectronic means from others. Finally, modern electronic warfare devices which using not only masking but also distorting, deception and blocking jamming they allow the disorganization of the radioelectronic means operation on a global scale, and the implementation of organizational and technical measures to establish various jamming contributes to the disruption of the functioning not only local groups radioelectronic means but also largescale radioelectronic systems.Keywords
jamming, receiver, orbit, protection, radio navigation signal, power, navigation equipment, electronic warfareReferences
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For citing this article
Kovalyov R.B. Methods of electronic warfare in space navigation and protection of spacecrafts // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 139-143. doi: 10.26732/2225-9449-2017-3-139-143
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