

№4 2017


Formation of procedures of the external command-and-software control for testing the spacecraft command-and-measuring system


1L.F. Nozhenkova, 1O.S. Isaeva, 1R.V. Vogorovskiy, 2A.V. Mishurov


1Institute of computational modelling SB RAS
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
2Siberian Federal University
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


We have created a software editor allowing to develop the test procedures for the command reception and execution and to analyze the spacecraft onboard command-and-measuring system’s function. The article describes the order of test procedures preparation and setup. The description is supported with illustrations allowing to see in detail the composition and functions of the software. The editor helps to set the list of commands and the parameters of data reception and transmission: commutation interfaces, command response waiting time, the number of command transfer repetitions, the way of transmission, verification values of the telemetry fields for command control and execution analysis, etc. The editor is integrated in the software of the control-and-measuring system’s equipment. During tests, the software complex operates as an environment of the object of control. Simplification of the process of creating test procedures for command reception and transmission expands the possibilities of study of the onboard equipment and increases the quality and accuracy of tests.


spacecraft, onboard equipment, command-measuring system, telecommands, telemetry packets, test and control equipment, test execution support, equipment functions analysis


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For citing this article

Nozhenkova L.F., Isaeva O.S., Vogorovskiy R.V., Mishurov A.V. Formation of procedures of the external command-and-software control for testing the spacecraft command-and-measuring system // The Research of the Science City, 2017, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 175-183. doi: 10.26732/2225-9449-2017-4-175-183

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