Development of the laboratory sample of the hydrodynamic thermoemission converter of power plants of spacecraftsAuthors
A.V. Kolychev, V.A. Kernozhitskiy, L.P. Unakov, A.A. LevihinOrganization
Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. UstinovSaint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Data on the hydrodynamic thermoemission converter developed in D.F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH», namely on option of its laboratory sample are provided in the present article. During development laboratory sample of hydrodynamic thermoemission converter was is suggested to create laboratory sample of hydrodynamic thermoemission converter on the basis of reduction of products of combustion of organic fuel. This case creation of the Leningrad Region because of lower labor input of the organization of a flame significantly becomes simpler. Basic elements developed by the Leningrad Region are the cathode – a source of electrons and the anode – the element perceiving the electrons which have left from the cathode, connected through payload. However, in this case there is a problem of change of thermoissue characteristics of a source of electrons – the cathode, both due to processes of «poisoning» (adsorption), and due to possible chemical transformations. However, the conducted preliminary researches have shown that at a certain temperature of a working body reduction of current happens. The laboratory sample is intended for carrying out complex pilot studies of the hydrodynamic thermoemission converter for two types of working bodies - combustion products of organic fuel and inert gases with additives of alkaline metals. The scope of such converters is independent power sources of the Arctic vehicles and spacecrafts with the superlong term of operation.Keywords
thermionic emission, hydrodynamic thermionic converter, high-speed flows of easy ionized plasmaReferences
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For citing this article
Kolychev A.V., Kernozhitskiy V.A., Unakov L.P., Levihin A.A. Development of the laboratory sample of the hydrodynamic thermoemission converter of power plants of spacecrafts // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 5-9. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-1-5-9
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