

№1 2018


Algorithm of optimal correction of the process of deployment of complex technical complexes of space infrastructure


1A.A. Tolmachev, 2V.F. Volkov, 2A.S. Andrianov


1Military Aerospace Defense Academy
Tver, Russian Federation
2Military Space Academy
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


The problem of resource consumption control in the process of deployment of complex technical complexes, such as small-sized modular quantum-optical system "Sazhen-TA" is considered. The deployment of complicated technical complexes for their use for the intended purpose are usually limited to hard policy terms, therefore, any delay is unacceptable. Its elimination can be realized, most often, only by attracting additional resources in the subsequent stages. The developed algorithm is based on the principle of optimality of R. Bellman, which allows not to determine the final plan of correction, but to develop a flexible program of control actions that depend on the specific outcome of each stage, the duration of which exceeded the specified standard. This program can be implemented in appropriate decision support systems, as well as included in the simulation models of the deployment and application of quantum-optical system "Sazhen-TA". The article describes a detailed algorithm of optimal correction corresponding to the normal distribution of the duration of each stage. Operational characteristics of expansion of difficult technical complexes are defined by requirements of higher levels of management, and the specifics of the tasks solved by consumers can limit functioning of difficult technical complexes to limits of one production cycle. In practice because of influence of random or unaccounted factors there is always a risk not to meet the deadline set by the customer. One of possible approaches to calculation of these risks consists in consecutive specification of values of probabilities of successful performance of a problem of expansion taking into account the actual time spent for the previous stages.


adaptive adjustment, the deployment of innovative space infrastructure, the retrospective scan, principle of optimality, conditionally-optimal control, additional resources


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For citing this article

Tolmachev A.A., Volkov V.F., Andrianov A.S. Algorithm of optimal correction of the process of deployment of complex technical complexes of space infrastructure // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 10-16. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-1-10-16

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