Determination of stability category for distributed automated control systemsAuthors
1A.A. Tolmachev, 2M.A. Prohorov, 2A.S. AndrianovOrganizations
1Military Aerospace Defense AcademyTver, Russian Federation
2Military Space Academy
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
At present, space systems and means became one of the main instruments of ensuring fighting and daily activity of Armed forces of the developed states of the world. In modern conditions space systems rise in a row strategic a component which stability of functioning it is critical for maintaining strategic balance. The analysis of the conflicts of the last decades has shown a tendency to confrontation shift to the space sphere and a cyberspace. Space systems and means allow to raise significantly fighting opportunities of troops, and the state which doesn't have potential of use of the means of armed struggle placed in the aerospace sphere, or allowed miscalculations in policy of development and use of the space systems and means, will be doomed to the guaranteed defeat in future military conflicts. The defense capability and safety of the Russian Federation directly depend on a state and opportunities of means of strategic warning of preparation for aggression, the beginning of nuclear missile attack and also quality of comprehensive providing with space forces and means of army and fleet in peace and wartime. In this regard there was a need to carry out correction of content of category of stability of a funktsionirorvaniye of the distributed automated control systems.Keywords
demand, stability, intelligence protection, distributed automated control system, space systems, information confrontation, space assetsReferences
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For citing this article
Tolmachev A.A., Prohorov M.A., Andrianov A.S. Determination of stability category for distributed automated control systems // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 17-21. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-1-17-21
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