About thermoemission system cooling materials of gas turbine converters blades of spacecraftsAuthors
A.V. Kolychev, V.A. Kernozhitskiy, L.P. Unakov, A.A. LevihinOrganization
Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. UstinovSaint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Rated estimates of effect of application of the thermoemission way of cooling of blades of turbines of the gas turbine converters of the spacecrafts developed in Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. Ustinov are given in the present article. Relevance of development of thermoemission way of cooling is confirmed by the fact that now in the Russian Federation development of the transport and power module at the heart of which the principle of gas turbine transformation is put is conducted. In this case it is supposed that blades of the turbine will be made of the ceramic materials functioning in the environment of the inert gases heated from the onboard source of heat energy. One of problems at the same time is emergence of temperature gradients, tension and deformations that can lead to emergence of cracks. However, if to execute ceramic blades from metal similar conduction (the boride, carbides, alloys of boride and carbides) using thermoemission way of cooling, then the opportunity essential (more, than twice) decrease in both blades of turbines temperature, and temperature differences, and tension in blades of turbines design appears. In article it is also shown that decrease in temperature stresses in the design of hot elements at the equivalent heat load is reached due to fundamental properties of thermal electron emission, namely thanks to dependence of intensity of thermal electron emission and electronic cooling on temperature.Keywords
thermionic emission, thermionic cooling system of turbine blades, gas turbine converter, spacecraftReferences
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For citing this article
Kolychev A.V., Kernozhitskiy V.A., Unakov L.P., Levihin A.A. About thermoemission system cooling materials of gas turbine converters blades of spacecrafts // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 73-78. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-2-73-78
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