

№2 2018


Features of orientation of navigating spacecrafts


V.E. Chebotarev, A.V. Fateev


JSC Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation


The analysis of features of target use of a navigating spacecraft is carried out. The conclusion is drawn on necessity of detailed modelling of influencing gravitational forces from the Earth, the Moon, the Sun and forces of not gravitational nature for high-precision forecasting of movement of a spacecraft for the long period. Also the conclusion is drawn on necessity of an interdiction for use of jet systems for unloading of executive powers of system of orientation of a spacecraft during all term of active existence. The general requirements shown to system of orientation of a navigating spacecraft are considered. Advantages of the focused spacecraft in relation to the nondirectional are resulted. Influence of an error of orientation of navigating aerials on quality of a radiated signal is considered. The estimation of influence of an error of orientation of panels of solar batteries on size of removed capacity from solar batteries is spent. Principles of construction of system the orientations meeting requirements of a navigating spacecraft regarding accuracy are defined. Features of orientation of navigating spacecraft in shadow orbits are considered. The formula for calculation of duration of a shadow site from the Earth is resulted. The kinematics of movement of a direction on the Sun from the centre of weights of a spacecraft for not indignant rotation of axes of a spacecraft is resulted. Results of the analysis of dynamics of orientation of a spacecraft are presented at passage of special zones of shadow orbits and recommendations about the organization of anticipatory turns are developed. Special requirements to system of orientation of a navigating spacecraft are formulated. The estimation of influence of an error of orientation of a spacecraft on size of forces from the solar pressure operating on a spacecraft is presented. By results of the given estimation the conclusion has been drawn on influence of an error of system of orientation on an error of forecasting of movement of the centre of weights of a spacecraft.


navigation, navigating spacecraft, orientation system, shadow orbits, anticipatory turns


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For citing this article

Chebotarev V.E., Fateev A.V. Features of orientation of navigating spacecrafts // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 84-88. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-2-84-88

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