Calculation algorithm development of catching dangerous for earth asteroid by rocketAuthors
V.E. Chebotarev, V.I. BorisovOrganization
Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russia
This article is introducing software - calculation algorithm of catching dangerous for Earth asteroid by rocket. Article provides algorithms calculation parameters of crossing asteroid with Earth, estimation of rocket’s trajectory, Earth in union time scale based on rocket moving time.Keywords
Earth, asteroid, rocket, orbit’s parameters, cross point, catch point, flying trajectory, flying duration, Eccentricity, the Ecliptic, the Kepler equationFor citing this article
Chebotarev V.E., Borisov V.I. Calculation algorithm development of catching dangerous for earth asteroid by rocket // The Research of the Science City, 2012, no. 2, pp. 30-34.
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