The synthesis of composite materials based on MAX-phase Ti3SiC2 containing boridesAuthors
N.I. Afanasyev, O.K. LepakovaOrganization
Tomsk Scientific Centre SB RASTomsk, Russian Federation
The microstructure, phase composition, and heat resistance of MAX-the Ti3SiC2 phase and the composite nanolaminate compound Ti3SiC2-B obtained by the method of self-propagating hightemperature synthesis in layer-burning mode are investigated. The synthesis process was carried out in a constant pressure bomb in an argon atmosphere. A wave of gasless burning was initiated by a red-hot tungsten spiral. The maximum burning temperature was determined by tungstenrhenium thermocouple W + 5% Re-W + 20% Re. The phase composition and structural parameters of the obtained materials were determined on Shimadzu XRD-6000 diffractometers (CuKα radiation) and DRON-2 (CoKα radiation). Quantitative phase analysis was performed using the POWDER CELL 2,4 program. An optical microscope (Axiovert 200M, Karl Zeiss) was used to study the microstructure. It was established that boron is not included in the composition of the MAX solid solution at a concentration of less than 0,2 mol. %. Products with a boron content of more than 0,2 mol. % contain dispersed particles of titanium diboride located between the MAX-phase plates. The tests for heat resistance at a temperature of 1373 K showed that the composite materials based on the Ti3SiC2 compound studied in this work correspond to the heat resistance of the stoichiometric phase and surpass the Ni-Cr-Al-Y system alloys, which are widely used to protect parts of a gas turbine engine. The abrasive wear resistance of the composite material is 1,6 times higher than that of the MAX-phase and 2,8 times higher than the wear resistance of the Ni-Cr-Al-Y alloy. The resulting materials are promising for use as heat-resistant and wear-resistant coatings.Keywords
MAX phase, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, phase composition, heat resistanceReferences
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For citing this article
Afanasyev N.I., Lepakova O.K. The synthesis of composite materials based on MAX-phase Ti3SiC2 containing borides // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 225-228. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-4-225-228
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