

№4 2018


Semiconductor vacuum technologies in space: history, status, prospects


O.P. Pchelyakov


1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2Tomsk State University
Tomsk, Russian Federation


In this paper we consider the background, history and prospects of the synthesis of multilayer semiconductor compositions from molecular beams in the orbital flight of spacecraft. The advantages of the technological process in a high vacuum formed as a result of the molecular screen effect for the production of new thin-film materials with unique properties are shown. The ground simulator of the space module and the operating model of the molecular screen are described. Discuss the characteristics of conceptual design of generic automated installation of molecular beam epitaxy. Modern high-performance solar cells (SE) are complex multilayer heterosystems. They consist of three main p-n junctions made of Ge, InGaAs, InGaP and connected in series by tunnel diodes. Since these materials are compatible by the crystal lattice constant, the heterostructures for SE based on them are grown in a single growth process on a germanium p-n transition substrate or on gallium arsenide. Nanotechnology is increasingly being used in this process. The most modern world record for the efficiency of three-pass solar cells with an efficiency of up to 44,5 % at solar radiation intensities of several hundred suns was achieved by Solar Junction, located in the Silicon valley, using molecular epitaxy. The ISP SB RAS is working on the development of high-performance and inexpensive equipment for ultra-high vacuum technology of molecular beam epitaxy of heterostructures for solar cells using space technologies.


molecular beam epitaxy, semiconductor nanoheterostructures, solar cells, ultrahigh vacuum, space materials science


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For citing this article

Pchelyakov O.P. Semiconductor vacuum technologies in space: history, status, prospects // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2018, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 229-235. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2018-4-229-235

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