
Fuzzy controllers construction in the SimInTech environmentAuthors
V.A. Myznikova, V.V. Ustimenko, A.V. ChubarOrganization
Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The control of an autonomous object on the example of the control system of the angular position of an artificial Earth satellite is considered. The functional scheme and the simplified mathematical model of automatic control system by angular position in the form of the block diagram, equations and transfer functions of its links are presented. The model is implemented in the SimInTech visual dynamic modeling environment as submodels interconnected through a database of signals. The control of the object by using an inertial-differentiating analog controller, a discrete PID controller, and a controller based on mathematical fuzzy logic is considered. Customizing parameters of controllers using the model «Optimization» in the SimInTech. The criteria are the integral control error and the maximum value of the controlled value. Based on standard blocks of SimInTech the model of controller on the basis of fuzzy logic are built and tested. Features and basic stages of fuzzy controller construction in SimInTech environment are shown. The rules of fuzzy control for controlling the angular position of an object are formulated and described as linguistic manifestations. The results of the system modeling using various types of controllers are presented.Keywords
model, controller, design, visual modeling, fuzzy logicReferences
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For citing this article
Myznikova V.A., Ustimenko V.V., Chubar A.V. Fuzzy controllers construction in the SimInTech environment // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2019, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 22-27. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2019-1-22-27
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