Problems of unification of multi-channel interface temperature control module for measuring instruments of spacecraftAuthor
A.I. GornostaevOrganization
JSC Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite SystemsZheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation
An important stage in the development of a unified multichannel interface module for temperature control, which is part of the measuring instruments and that monitors the temperature on the structural elements of the spacecraft, is the analysis of technical requirements for measuring instruments and their operating conditions that can affect the structure of the module. The article is devoted to the analysis of general requirements for measuring instruments of spacecraft, built on the basis of the main-modular principle based on the central instrument module and containing an interface module for temperature control, as well as the analysis of the technical characteristics of primary converters connected to measuring instruments of various types. It is shown that the interface modules for temperature control, which have control channels with different measuring ranges, have different requirements for accuracy and stability of temperature measurement, and thermal transducers of resistance with copper and platinum sensors with nominal resistances 100 Ohm and 500 Ohm of are most often used as primary transducers for temperature control. With low requirements for accuracy and stability of temperature measurement 100-Ohm thermal converters are used, with increased requirements for accuracy and stability of temperature measurement resort to the use of 500-Ohm thermal converters. If a high speed temperature measurement is not required, then resistance thermal converters with copper sensors are used. If you need high performance and increased measurement stability, then use thermal converters of resistance with platinum sensitive elements.Keywords
spacecraft, temperature control, measurement accuracy and stability, measuring instrument, primary converter, thermal resistance converterReferences
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For citing this article
Gornostaev A.I. Problems of unification of multi-channel interface temperature control module for measuring instruments of spacecraft // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2019, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 41-51. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2019-1-47-57
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