Creation of control algorithms thermal vacuum tests in the SimInTech environmentAuthors
1A.V. Chubar, 2I.N. Pozharkova, 1V.V. UstimenkoOrganizations
1Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
2Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation
Paper is divote to results of the development of the thermal vacuum tests computer model of allowing to investigate impact of external factors on the devices which are in conditions of own external atmosphere of the spacecraft in the SimInTech environment of the technical systems dynamic modeling. For a solution an objective models of a control object of the thermal vacuum TVAC-1400 camera are created, and the regulators executed on the basis of the programmable industrial controller Siemens S7-300 setup of key parameters is made, control algorithms are implemented by the modes of tests. The developed model allows to exercise control of test programs of the different equipment, prevention of failures at an error of the operator or interruptions in engineering networks, to reveal the most adverse situations which can arise process of functioning of the thermal vacuum camera. Besides, the presented model can be used for a research of behavior of controlled parameters of thermal vacuum tests and working off of control algorithms. In article development process and settings of model of thermal vacuum tests, its submodels and a control bar, implementation of the main algorithms are step by step described. Also results of adequacy check to the developed model are presented.Keywords
thermal vacuum camera, thermal vacuum tests, dynamic modeling, technical systems, SimInTech, external atmosphere of the spacecraftReferences
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For citing this article
Chubar A.V., Pozharkova I.N., Ustimenko V.V. Creation of control algorithms thermal vacuum tests in the SimInTech environment // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2019, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 149-154. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2019-3-149-154
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