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№3 2019


External thermal modeling satellite platform «Synergy»


O.Ya. Yakovlev, D.V. Malygin


LLC Astronomikon, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


In order to conduct thermal research of the satellite platform «Synergy», a mathematical model has been developed for calculating external thermal loads for spacecraft of the CubeSat form factor, operating in various orientation modes in near-Earth circular orbits. When modeling thermal conditions, heat fluxes from the Sun, the earth's flux and atmospheric effects are taken into account. A feature of the model is the transition to a moving geocentric coordinate system for determining the density of heat fluxes of direct and reflected solar radiation. The study of thermal conditions in the process of orbital motion is carried out and the parameters of the position of the orbital plane and the parameters of the Sun are determined at which the maximum and minimum average integral thermal loads are achieved during the orbital period. In these orbits, the motion of the satellite platform was simulated in three typical orientation modes and the density values of the absorbed heat fluxes by its external elements were determined. Four options for the design of the housing are being investigated. The data obtained during the simulation were used for the initial stationary calculation of the temperature field of the satellite platform in the ANSYS software package. The most interesting cases from the point of view of the thermal regime for further thermal research have been identified.


thermal modeling, thermal regime, nanosatellite, CubeSat


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For citing this article

Yakovlev O.Ya., Malygin D.V. External thermal modeling satellite platform «Synergy» // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2019, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 155-163. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2019-3-155-163

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