Development of technology to ensure minimal thermal resistance between mating surfaces while simulating outer space conditionsAuthors
E.A. Starostin, A.P. Lebedev, M.S. Moskovskih, E.P. MaslovOrganization
JSC Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite SystemsZheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation
The transition to the leaky design of the instrument compartment of the spacecraft inevitably leads to additional thermal loads on the components of the onboard electronic equipment due to a change in the heat transfer scheme. The thermal mode of operation of the onboard radio-electronic equipment of the spacecraft is one of the important factors for ensuring the long term active existence of the spacecraft. Ensuring the long term of active existence of spacecraft is the most important scientific, engineering and economic task, the solution of which requires a deep systematic approach at all stages of the creation and operation of onboard electronic equipment of the spacecraft. The strategic objective for ensuring the long term of the spacecraft’s active existence is the implementation at all stages of the life cycle of onboard radio-electronic equipment of the highest achievable reliability indicators through the using of modern design and technological solutions, as well as effective methods for its design and production. This article presents the results of experimental work to reduce heat transfer resistance between onboard electronic equipment and the spacecraft’s thermal control system. As a result of the work, the main data were obtained on improving the heat sink efficiency of the energy-converting equipment of the spacecraft, the effectiveness of measures to ensure heat removal of the onboard radio-electronic equipment of the spacecraft was confirmed.Keywords
onboard power system, thermal control system, spacecraft, Power Conditioning Unit, radio electronic equipment, hyperheat-conducting sectionReferences
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For citing this article
Starostin E.A., Lebedev A.P., Moskovskih M.S., Maslov E.P. Development of technology to ensure minimal thermal resistance between mating surfaces while simulating outer space conditions // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2019, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 216-221. doi: 10.26732/2618-7957-2019-4-216-221
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