Procedure for forming nominal control program of solar sail spacecraft heliocentric movement using locally optimal control lawsAuthor
R.M. KhabibullinOrganization
Samara National Research UniversitySamara, Russian Federation
The paper is devoted to the non-coplanar interplanetary flight Earth-Venus of the spacecraft equipped with a solar sail. The goal of the heliocentric movement is to transfer a spacecraft with a non-perfectly reflecting solar sail into the Hill’s sphere of the Venus with zero hyperbolic excess speed. The magnitude and direction of acceleration is calculated taking into account specular and diffuse reflections, absorption and transmission of photons by the surface of the solar sail. One of the main tasks in the field of navigation and motion control of a spacecraft is the search for a simple energy-efficient control scheme for performing maneuvers during flight. These control schemes are locally optimal control laws, various combinations of which allow you to perform the necessary maneuvers during an interplanetary flight. The procedure for the formation of a control program for a non-coplanar interplanetary flight of the Earth-Venus type of a spacecraft with a non-perfectly reflecting solar sail is described. The results include the flight trajectory, the change in phase coordinates in time, graphs of changes in control angles, and the nominal control program. The obtained results satisfy all the boundary conditions described in the statement of the problem.Keywords
non-perfectly reflecting solar sail, locally optimal control law, nominal control program, non-coplanar interplanetary flightReferences
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For citing this article
Khabibullin R.M. Procedure for forming nominal control program of solar sail spacecraft heliocentric movement using locally optimal control laws // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 5-13. doi: 10.26732/
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