

№1 2020


Questions on utilization of different height balloon sources of optical radiation for calibration of network of ground microtelescopes for tracking of orbital satellites


1H.H. Asadov, 2U.F. Mamedova


1Azerbaijan National Aerospace Agency
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
2Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan


One of ways to increase accuracy of ground tracking of orbital satellites is high accuracy calibration of network of microtelescopes used for this purpose. To attain high accuracy utilization of stable laser sources of radiation is most expedient. To install such sources the balloon platforms mounted at some height are practiced. But utilization of only one fixed height of all sources for calibration could lead to insufficient value of signal/noise ratio due to unpredictable atmospheric events. At the same time utilization of sources with different spectral characteristics can complicate the required methodic for analysis. Authors suggest utilization of same type lasers and carrying out of calibration using platforms installed at different heights. Nonapparent function of dependence of laser beams divergence on height of balloon installation is considered for analysis. Some integrated limitation is imposed on this function. It is assumed that number of microtelescopes receiving optical radiation of one source linearly depends on height of the source. It is required to find out the optimum type of suggested non-apparent function upon which target functional composed as sum of all calibration signals could reach maximum. Utilization of such property of target functional for checking up of carried out calibration procedure is suggested. Providing for the required type of suggested non-apparent function is technically resolvable task because the beam divergence is controlled parameter and height of platform can be measured with sufficient accuracy.


calibration, microtelescopes, optimization, measuring network, satellites tracking


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For citing this article

Asadov H.H., Mamedova U.F. Questions on utilization of different height balloon sources of optical radiation for calibration of network of ground microtelescopes for tracking of orbital satellites // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 14-19. doi: 10.26732/

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