

№1 2020


Growing semiconductor structures for high-performance solar cells in open space


1V.V. Blinov, 2V.M. Vladimirov, 3N.A. Kushnarev, 1A.I. Nikiforov, 1D.B. Pridachin, 1D.O. Pchelyakov, 1O.P. Pchelyakov, 4V.A. Skorodelov, 1L.V. Sokolov


1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
2LLC NPF Electron
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
3Central Research Institute of Infocommunication Technologies and Safety Problems «Nika»
Lyubertsy, Moscow region, Russian Federation
4JSC «Scientific and Production Association «Molniya»
Moscow, Russian Federation


Practical space activities of the country in near-Earth space and in deep space have been developing for more than fifty years. During this time, many new scientific and technical problems were solved, the latest technologies were developed and mastered. This article describes the prerequisites for conducting an experiment on growing semiconductor structures for highly efficient solar cells in the conditions of orbital flight of an international space station. The advantages of carrying out the process in a deep vacuum formed as a result of the manifestation of the molecular screen effect are shown to obtain new thin-film materials with unique properties. A ground-based simulator of a space module and a working molecular screen prototype are described. The features of the preliminary design of a universal automated installation of molecular beam epitaxy in space are discussed. The rationale for the economic efficiency of space technology based on the absence of the need for expensive ultrahigh vacuum pumping facilities, cryogenic equipment and vacuum volumes containing a large amount of stainless steel is given. The experience of three orbital flights of the American Shuttle spacecraft is analyzed, confirming the economic feasibility of projects related to the production of semiconductor heterostructures in space flight conditions.


space materials science, molecular beam epitaxy, molecular screen, orbital flight, ultrahigh vacuum


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For citing this article

Blinov V.V., Vladimirov V.M., Kushnarev N.A., Nikiforov A.I., Pridachin D.B., Pchelyakov D.O., Pchelyakov O.P., Skorodelov V.A., Sokolov L.V. Growing semiconductor structures for high-performance solar cells in open space // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 45-54. doi: 10.26732/

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