Analysis of the effectiveness of the de-orbiting devices for small satelliteAuthors
G.P. Anshakov, A.V. Krestina, I.S. TkachenkoOrganization
Samara National Research UniversitySamara, Russian Federation
At present, the use of various methods is proposed for the de-orbit of small satellite, and the most feasible and promising of them are analyzed. The task of evaluating the effectiveness of the de-orbiting system for small satellite is set, in the framework of which a criterion and basic performance indicators are formed taking into account design features. As a methodological basis for evaluating the effectiveness, the method of relative integral assessment was used. Using the developed algorithm for calculating the coefficients of the integral relative assessment for each de-orbiting method, the most effective option for constructing the system isdetermined for given priority coefficients and taking into account the imposed design restrictions. For the analysis of efficiency, fuel-free de-orbiting devices and three types of propulsion systems were chosen – electric propulsion engine, solid rocket motor and liquid engine. Efficiency analysis was carried out for devices with various mass and target characteristics, the result is the choice of the type of de-orbiting system and the calculation of its parameters. The dependence of the de-orbiting device on the purpose of the spacecraft, the altitude and inclination of the orbit of its functioning, as well as on the requirements for mass, cost and other design parameters is shown.Keywords
small satellite, space debris, de-orbiting system, efficiency mark, relative integral estimation methodReferences
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For citing this article
Anshakov G.P., Krestina A.V., Tkachenko I.S. Analysis of the effectiveness of the de-orbiting devices for small satellite // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 72-84. doi: 10.26732/
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