

№2 2020


Creation of the spacecraft’s command-and-measurement system’s heterogeneous simulation model


O.S. Isaeva, L.F. Nozhenkova, A.V. Mishurov, A.N. Kamyshnikov, V.V. Evstratko, A.S. Chernigovskiy


Institute of Computational Modeling SB RAS, FRC KSC SB RAS
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


This article presents software tools designed for construction of heterogeneous models by software integration of logical models having their work methods set in the knowledge bases and engineering models created in a technical simulation environment. In order to build logical models we use our software «Software-and-mathematical model of the command-andmeasurement system’s onboard equipment». Engineering models are built in the graphical programming environment of the LabVIEW. The software functions are described for creation of graphical schemes of models, data structures and telemetry data packages design, creation of the command base and setting of the methods of the model’s elements work in the knowledge bases’ rules. We provide an example of a heterogeneous model simulating the logics of the spacecraft’s command-and-measurement system’s onboard equipment operation including the library of virtual devices for the receiving and transmitting path simulation and the knowledge base with the rules of the onboard system’s interaction during reception, transmission, execution and confirmation of commands. This example demonstrates the points of integration of logical simulators and virtual devices. The model allows to assess the parameters of the receiving and transmitting path and the influence of destabling factors on communication line’s quality, simulate generation and transformation of the signal coming from the source of information – ground segment – to the onboard equipment and simulate logical interaction of the systems if the necessary signal level is provided. Each element of the model can be transformed and processed by the subject area’s specialist depending on the specifics of the solved tasks.


onboard equipment, command and measurement system, spacecraft, simulation, virtual instrument, knowledge base


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Isaeva O.S., Nozhenkova L.F., Mishurov A.V., Kamyshnikov A.N., Evstratko V.V., Chernigovskiy A.S. Creation of the spacecraft’s command-and-measurement system’s heterogeneous simulation model // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 107-115. doi: 10.26732/

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