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Experience of using a simulation model of the dismantling of the reactor graphite stack AMB-100 BeloyarskAuthors
1B.K. Bilkin, 2V.V. Kononov, 2P.A. Bunto, 2O.V Gulyaev, 2D.V. Sviridov, 2V.E. Trifonov, 2V.L. Tikhonovskiy, 2D.V. ChuykoOrganizations
1NRC «Kurchatov Institute»Moscow, Russia
Outlined is the Experience of using a simulation model of the dismantling of the reactor graphite stack AMB-100 Beloyarsk.Keywords
NPP (Nuclear Power Station), simulation model, reactor AMB-100, graphite stack, technology of dismantling, emergency situationsFor citing this article
Bilkin B.K., Kononov V.V., Bunto P.A., Gulyaev O.V, Sviridov D.V., Trifonov V.E., Tikhonovskiy V.L., Chuyko D.V. Experience of using a simulation model of the dismantling of the reactor graphite stack AMB-100 Beloyarsk // The Research of the Science City, 2012, no. 2, pp. 59-64.
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