

№4 2020


Strength analysis of structural elements and metal-composite joints of a flying vehicle


V.I. Grishin, M.A. Glebova, Yu.I. Dudarkov, E.A. Levchenko, M.V. Limonin


The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N. E. Zhukovsky
Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russian Federation


The strength and load-bearing capacity analyses results for flying vehicle typical structural elements and joints are presented in the paper. Calculations were made with the use of nonlinear finite element method, implemented in software NASTRAN and ABAQUS. Structural composite panels and metal-composite joints in attachment points of moving components under consideration for research. Employed computational models and procedures, obtained results analysis process are presented. Numerical strength estimations of structural panels and joint strength confirmed with test results. On the example of a virtual test simulation of composite panels’ strength test in a shear frame, the effect of experimental conditions on obtaining results is evaluated. It is shown that boundary conditions realized in such tests cannot always give correct values of panels’ global buckling critical stress. The computation results of buckling and strength of metal-composite joints in attachment points of moving components are presented. The computation performed on a detailed model with employing solid elements and taking into account contact interaction between joint parts, geometrical and physical nonlinearities. Composite strength in bolted joints is made based on Nuismer criterion. The formed recommendations for improvement made it possible to avoid earlier failure of the considered joint in strength tests.


composite panel, metal-composite joint, analysis model, strength criterion, buckling, test results, failure load


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For citing this article

Grishin V.I., Glebova M.A., Dudarkov Yu.I., Levchenko E.A., Limonin M.V. Strength analysis of structural elements and metal-composite joints of a flying vehicle // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 191-200. doi: 10.26732/

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