Using the concepts of homogeneity in additional tests of electronic components for space applicationsAuthors
S.M. Golovanov, V.I. Orlov, V.V. FedosovOrganization
JSC «Testing Technical Center – NPO PM»Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation
In modern conditions in the Russian Federation the equipment of spacecraft with a highly reliable electronic components is possible only through testing technical centers which act as a link between manufacturers of electronic components and their consumers. Given the lack of specialized production of electronic components of the «Space» category in our country, this is the only alternative way. Testing technical centers carry out the formation of batches of electronics for space applications by conducting additional tests of electronic components for general industrial use allowing the rejection of elements containing defects that can manifest themselves during long-term operation in outer space. A modern spacecraft contains about 100–200 thousand electronic components. Taking into account the fact that the on-board equipment of the spacecraft during its operation cannot be repaired, it is obvious that extremely high reliability requirements are imposed on the electronic components of space applications. In this regard the improvement of the methodology for increasing the reliability of the electronic components of space applications is of paramount importance for the further development of the space industry. This article outlines an approach to improving the technology of additional tests in testing technical centers, based on the use of the concepts of homogeneity of the tested batch of electronic components which makes it possible to meaningfully generate samples for destructive physical analysis and radiation resistance tests, as well as to additionally identify emission elements that are potentially unreliable elements.Keywords
electronic components, space application, testing technical center, homogeneity of the batch of elementsReferences
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For citing this article
Golovanov S.M., Orlov V.I., Fedosov V.V. Using the concepts of homogeneity in additional tests of electronic components for space applications // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2020, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 209-218. doi: 10.26732/
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