

№1 2021


Low-thrust liquid-propellant rocket engines as part of advanced ultralight rocket vehicle systems


T.A. Basharina, M.G. Goncharov, S.N. Lymich, V.S. Levin, D.P. Shmatov


Voronezh State Technical University
Voronezh, Russian Federation


This work examines the most promising design solutions for the creation of propulsion systems for ultra-light launch vehicles by small private enterprises in the rocket and space industry. Comparison of the metal consumption of the combustion chambers with the energy characteristics at different operating pressures showed that the most optimal operating pressure is 12,16 MPa. Comparison of the relative and absolute values of the masses of various configurations describes the nature of the relationship between the number of combustion chambers and the total mass of the propulsion system. It was found that nine-chamber propulsion systems with cameras made with extensive use of additive technologies best meet the key requirements. The analysis carried out includes an assessment of the design parameters of both various components and assemblies and the propulsion system as a whole. Various layouts of propulsion systems are considered in detail, the required degree of technological complexity of structures of various units and assemblies, their production cost are estimated. The ratio of the obtained mass-energy characteristics was achieved through the implementation of design solutions that became available due to the use of additive technologies. The obtained results of preliminary calculations demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of design solutions considered for use in the propelled propulsion system for a promising launch vehicle.


rocket engine, low-thrust engine, methane fuel, ultralight carrier, additive technology, economic efficiency, private space company


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For citing this article

Basharina T.A., Goncharov M.G., Lymich S.N., Levin V.S., Shmatov D.P. Low-thrust liquid-propellant rocket engines as part of advanced ultralight rocket vehicle systems // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2021, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 5-13. doi: 10.26732/

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