

№2 2021


Valve for two-phase fluid loop


Z.A. Yudina, M.I. Sinichenko, A.P. Ladigin, F.K. Sin'kovskiy, A.D. Kuznetsov


JSC «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite Systems»
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation


Improvement of heat transfer efficiency of the spacecraft thermal control subsystem constitutes a relevant problem for today space industry. Two phase thermal control system presents the most suitable solution for this problem. Implementation of reliable thermal control loop elements constitutes one the major prerequisites for reliability of thermal control systems featuring the operating pressure of 4.8 MPa and ammonia as heat fluid. This paper presents the design and test results of manual valve and fill and drain valve to be operated within the spacecraft two phase thermal control subsystem. The paper provides considerations and detailed description of the technical solutions adopted to ensure compliance with the specification requirements such as operating pressure and plug seat leak tightness under the operating pressure and 160 open/close cycles. Valve plug torque selection criteria are described. The employed design and technical solutions as well as qualification test results have proven that the units designed feature outstanding combination of performances such as leak tightness, life cycle with ammonia as heat fluid.


automatics, valve, two-phase fluid loop


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For citing this article

Yudina Z.A., Sinichenko M.I., Ladigin A.P., Sin'kovskiy F.K., Kuznetsov A.D. Valve for two-phase fluid loop // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2021, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 82-88. doi: 10.26732/

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