

№2 2021


Features of ensuring noise immunity of interface modules for temperature control in measuring instruments of spacecraft


A.I. Gornostaev


JSC «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite Systems»
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation


An important stage in the development of temperature control interface modules for measuring instruments, implemented according to the main-modular principle of construction on the basis of a central instrument module and used as part of a measuring system on spacecraft for various purposes, is to ensure their noise-immune operation when the measuring system is exposed to a combination of various types of interference which determine the electromagnetic environment on the spacecraft. The article is devoted to the analysis of the characteristics of various types of interference affecting the measuring system, identifying the ways of their penetration into the temperature control interface module and determining the influence of the characteristics of these interference on the choice of measures to ensure the required noise immunity of the temperature control interface module as part of the measuring device. It is shown that the paths of interference penetration into the interface temperature control module depend on the frequency and time characteristics of the interference affecting the measuring system. Measures to mitigate these interference must be determined after assessing the danger of their penetration into the interface temperature control module for each path separately in the entire frequency range of their impact. Based on the results of such assessments, a set of reasonable measures should be determined to ensure the noise immunity of the interface temperature control module as part of the measuring device, implemented in combination at the design levels of the measuring system, the measuring device and the interface temperature control module.


spacecraft, measuring instrument, temperature control, thermal resistance converter, electromagnetic field, noise immunity, noise mitigation


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For citing this article

Gornostaev A.I. Features of ensuring noise immunity of interface modules for temperature control in measuring instruments of spacecraft // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2021, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 89-101. doi: 10.26732/

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