
Modeling the deployment of a two-link spoke of a large-sized space reflector taking into account the backlashAuthors
F.V. Mitin, E.N. NikulinOrganization
Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. UstinovSaint Petersburg, Russian Federation
This article discusses the process of deployment a two-link spoke of a large-sized transformable space-based reflector. In view of the high costs of carrying out field tests, the construction of correct mathematical models is an urgent task. Currently, the creation of large-sized systems is actively developing. Such systems consist of several interconnected links. When delivered to a given orbit, the large-sized system is folded for placement in the launch vehicle. After entering the orbit, it is deployed to the specified operating state. A mathematical model has been developed for the deployment of the spoke, improved in terms of taking into account the separation of parameters depending on the length and time, which makes it possible to study the arising vibrations of the structure. It is important to take into account the backlash in the connections. Even small gaps in the spoke link connections can lead to a manifold increase in the stabilization time of the system. The developed mathematical model makes it possible to consider various conditions for linking links, change the mass-dimensional parameters and materials of the spoke. The results of modeling are presented, showing the correctness of mathematical models. Conclusions are made about the admissibility of using mathematical models for spokes consisting of a larger number of links.Keywords
large-sized reflector, deployment of a spoke, mathematical model of a two-link spoke, modeling of the deployment processReferences
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For citing this article
Mitin F.V., Nikulin E.N. Modeling the deployment of a two-link spoke of a large-sized space reflector taking into account the backlash // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2021, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 146-152. doi: 10.26732/
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