

№3 2021


Stages of information support of development of on-board equipment for spacecraft


A.A. Kovel


1Siberian Federal University
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
2Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy EMERCOM of Russia
Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation


The ground-experimental testing of the elements of space technology is a crucial stage in the creation of space products, in fact, this is the ground «flight» of the devices being created. And how well the operating conditions will be reproduced at this stage and the successful functioning of the devices under the expected conditions is ensured, its successful operation in real flight during the service life depends. The radio electronic devices of the onboard equipment of the spacecraft are one of the essential elements that ensure the fulfillment of target tasks, which should confirm their readiness for the forthcoming work at the stage of groundbased experimental testing. The article discusses the stages of information support for the development of spacecraft onboard equipment, showing the ways to improve the technology of ground-based experimental testing of spacecraft onboard equipment. It is shown that at the present stage of development of the space industry, it has become possible to introduce the methodology of mathematical planning of an experiment into engineering practice. A backlog of applied work on radio-electronic topics h as appeared, showing the possibility of revealing in a full factorial experiment the influence of internal uncontrollable parameters (factors) of electronic components on the experimental results. This removed the obstacle to the implementation of the capabilities of the method in research and improvement of radio electronic devices onboard equipment.


planning matrix, mathematical experiment planning, full factorial experiment, factorogram, response corridor, Sedyakin's principle, method of tolerance limits, bootstrap-method


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For citing this article

Kovel A.A. Stages of information support of development of on-board equipment for spacecraft // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2021, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 166-176. doi: 10.26732/

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