Development and modeling of non-metallic form-forming rigger for manufacture of polymer composition reflectors for satellite antennasAuthors
M.A. Dremukhin, V.N. NagovitsinOrganization
JSC «Academician M. F. Reshetnev» Information Satellite Systems»Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russian Federation
Reducing the time for carrying out the strength analysis of a structure in the process of manufacturing shaping tooling using modern tools of virtual computer design and modeling, namely mathematical 3D modeling in a small-scale production with the use of additive technologies, is the main task. With the help of numerical discretization, the investigated model is divided into a finite set of elements, which can take any form of the element and be defined in different reference systems. This will make it possible to predict approximately numerically the behavior of the material during its deformation under the action of the given loads applied to the 3D model. The use of additive technologies with the use of modern computer modeling, which is based on software, is an urgent task. This approach will make it possible to develop equipment with a complex geometric shape, bypassing the stage of writing control programs and performing labor-intensive operations for the primary processing of the product. This method is based on the process of constructing a 3D model of the shaping tooling that repeats the shape of the reflective surface of the reflector, using modified high-temperature engineering plastics. The process of evaluating the effectiveness of the developed model is shown on the basis of strength calculations, safety factor, deformation, static stress and displacement. The results of the work can be used in the design and manufacture of dimensionally stable products of complex geometric shapes from non-metallic materials used in the aerospace industry.Keywords
molding equipment, additive technology, 3D model, mathematical modeling.References
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For citing this article
Dremukhin M.A., Nagovitsin V.N. Development and modeling of non-metallic form-forming rigger for manufacture of polymer composition reflectors for satellite antennas // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2021, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 183-190. doi: 10.26732/
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