

№4 2021


Determination of the optimum ball radius for researching materials using ball indenting


N.N. Avtonomov, A.V. Tololo


Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation


The article discusses the study of the effect of a change in the radius of the ball in the injecting of the sample on the curve in the coordinates «load – indentation depth», the deviation of the indentation depth during elastoplastic indentation from the indentation depth with the elastic indentation and the amount of the axial deformation of the ball. The study was conducted using the Ansys Mechanical APDL program implementing the fenite element method. In the process of the study, it was found that with a change in the radius of the ball, there is no obvious change in the behavior of the sample material, and the deviation of the indentation depth during the elastoplastic indulgence from the indentation depth during the elastic indentation is not dependent on the size of the ball radius. There was also an effect of changing the radius of the ball on the size of the axial deformation of the ball and proposed a formula for determining the size of the axial deformation of the ball for the ball of any diameter, which will determine the actual depth of the ball into the ball when using the balls of different radius.


automated ball indentation, yield stress, finite element method, axial deformation of the ball.


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For citing this article

Avtonomov N.N., Tololo A.V. Determination of the optimum ball radius for researching materials using ball indenting // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2021, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 227-232. doi: 10.26732/

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