

№1 2022


To the question of including additional technical means in the Venus exploration program


M.Yu. Yatsenko, V.A. Vorontsov


Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Moscow, Russian Federation


The current issue of expanding the scheme of the experiment for the contact research of Venus by including a multirotor aircraft as an additional technical means of research in a prospective expedition is considered. The concept is developed by the authors considers the possibility of creating and launching a multi-rotor aircraft (as a complex technical system) into the atmosphere of Venus in order to collect data on the composition and properties of the planet's atmosphere, as well as taking photos and videos of its surface. Such devices will operate for a certain time in the specified altitude levels (zones). The authors suggest mounting them in the descent vehicle. The article describes the goals of creating this technical system and the tasks that it should perform on the Venus. The paper illustrates the possible utilization options and schemes for putting a multirotor aircraft into operation in the atmosphere of the planet, the nature of its movement. As a module of the energy storage system, batteries are selected that will significantly improve the functioning of a multirotor aircraft and increase the duration of its motion in the atmosphere. The options for placing multirotor vehicles in the developed model of the base descent vehicle are shown, mass-dimensional parameters are estimated.


Venus, multirotor aircraft, descent vehicle, Venusian spacecraft, technical means, scheme of the experiment


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For citing this article

Yatsenko M.Yu., Vorontsov V.A. To the question of including additional technical means in the Venus exploration program // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2022, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 5-13. doi: 10.26732/

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