Mobile complex of electronic countermeasures of satellite navigation systems for unmanned aerial vehiclesAuthors
A.B. Gladyshev, A.N. Fomin, D.S. ErmolenkoOrganization
Siberian Federal UniversityKrasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
In this time using small unmanned pilot apparitions, weight until 10 kg in search and sabotage target acquires more and more relevance. Besides using resources of radiolocation for searching come less effective. It is due to small sizes unmanned pilot apparition, materials which are used in this and low flying of apparitions. Because more effective resources nitralisation small unmanned pilot apparition is instrument of radio-electronic suppression. Use in unmanned satellite systems of navigation with replacing antenna include navigation receivers in the upper hemisphere of apparitions create some problem of jamming by ground-based means of radioelectronic suppression. In this document provide variant of mobile complex include radio-electronic suppression satellite systems of navigation unmanned pilot apparitions with using passive radio-reflection with aerodynamic stabilization devices. This complex of model, calculated power jamming signal, defined using range of transmitting device, retold types of transmitting antennas used.Keywords
satellite navigation, UAV, electronic countermeasures, passive radio reflectorReferences
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For citing this article
Gladyshev A.B., Fomin A.N., Ermolenko D.S. Mobile complex of electronic countermeasures of satellite navigation systems for unmanned aerial vehicles // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2022, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 38-44. doi: 10.26732/
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