
Electromagnetic device for spacecraft orientationAuthor
I.P. PopovOrganization
Kurgan State UniversityKurgan, Russian Federation
It is shown that the basis for the creation of an «artificial» mass which is not related to either the volume or the density of the material contained in an artificially inert object, is the requirement to satisfy Newton's second law. Of interest is the possibility of creating conditions for the emergence of an artificial moment of inertia. Since the principle of equivalence between inertial and gravitational mass does not apply to artificial mass, a device with artificial mass can be incomparably lighter than its mechanical counterpart with the same moment of inertia. This quality makes such a device particularly attractive for use in astronautics as light flywheels for orienting spacecraft. The purpose of the study is to analytically synthesize the artificial moment of inertia and establish the parameters that determine it. If an artificial electric flywheel is placed in a «black box» with the shaft outside, then no experiments can determine whether the artificial or «natural» flywheel is inside. The main advantages of an artificial or electromagnetic flywheel over a «natural» one are incomparably lower weight and the possibility of electrically controlling its moment of inertia over a wide range by changing the magnetic field (excitation) and capacitance.Keywords
artificial mass, artificial moment of inertia, electric flywheel, electromechanical converter, spacecraftReferences
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For citing this article
Popov I.P. Electromagnetic device for spacecraft orientation // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2022, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 119-122. doi: 10.26732/
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