Principles of construction and application areas of small spacecraft based on unified space platformsAuthors
2V.M. Kulkov, 1S.O. Firsyuk, 1A.M. Yurov, 1S.A. Tuzikov, 2Yu.G. Egorov, 1S.W. YoonOrganizations
1Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)Moscow, Russian Federation
2Research Institute for Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Moscow Aviation Institute
Moscow, Russian Federation
The conceptual options for small spacecraft on the basis of a unified space platform are analyzed, the areas of rational use of the unified space platform as part of the small spacecraft for solving a wide range of tasks, including monitoring of the Arctic regions, are explored. Methodical approaches are given to ensure the design analysis of circuit solutions of the unified space platform for small spacecraft remote sensing. The actual problem of selecting the standard size of the unified space platform, evaluating the effectiveness of its use, taking into account the necessary modernization for a specific payload, is being investigated. A technique and models for selecting the parameters for the modification of the remote sensing satellites have been developed. The application of the methodology makes it possible to determine the rational parameters for modifying the remote sensing spacecraft, to evaluate the impact of the features of design solutions and external relations on the total costs in the implementation of the project for the creation of the unified space platform. The relevance of research is related to the need to create competitive variants of small-sized spacecraft based on a unified space platform, designed to provide monitoring of high-latitude regions using the small spacecraft system.Keywords
small spacecraft, unified space platform, modular construction, design, range of effective application, remote sensing of the Earth, monitoring of high-latitude regionsReferences
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For citing this article
Kulkov V.M., Firsyuk S.O., Yurov A.M., Tuzikov S.A., Egorov Yu.G., Yoon S.W. Principles of construction and application areas of small spacecraft based on unified space platforms // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2022, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 133-143. doi: 10.26732/
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