

№3 2022


Model-based development production of rocket and space systems in the context of products in aerospace universities


А.А. Kabanov


Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Moscow, Russian Federation


The work continues a series of publications devoted to the big topic of the formation of an end-to-end design and production-experimental environment in aerospace universities. This time, one of the components of this environment, which is currently least represented in educational institutions, is considered – the direction of model-oriented development of rocket and space industries. The substantiation of the relevance and necessity of studying the subject in modern conditions is given, and not only for specialists studying under the training programs for specializations in the production and technological profile but also for the design profile. Particular attention is paid to the parallel development of products in the context of their production systems and the development of production in the context of manufactured products. Groups of models used in the framework of model-based joint development of products and their production, as well as types of simulated production processes, are identified. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the developed approach to the development of educational disciplines of the direction, based on the experience of developing models of machine-building industries of rocket and space enterprises, are outlined. The structure and content of the disciplines are given. The experience of implementation in the educational process is analyzed, including on the example of practical tasks performed by students. The presented results can be adapted and used in other branches of mechanical engineering with a discrete type of production.


model-based system engineering, rocket and space production system, digital production, specialists training


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For citing this article

Kabanov А.А. Model-based development production of rocket and space systems in the context of products in aerospace universities // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2022, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 195-205. doi: 10.26732/

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