
Optimization and evaluation of the technical readiness of the selective laser melting for the manufacture of space technology componentsAuthors
E.N. Loskutov, Ia.V. Faida, A.D. GubarevOrganization
Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. UstinovSaint Petersburg, Russian Federation
The work is devoted to studying the technological reliability of selective laser melting systems for producing space technology components. Ensuring reliability is directly related to the quality and accuracy of the manufactured details. An analysis of the methods for manufacturing components for the aerospace industry showed a high potential for using such installations. The well-known selective laser melting installation with a regular working chamber for sintering complex-shaped high-precision products was chosen as an object of study. The cyclogram of the complex operation was considered and specifics of achieving the main output parameters of the limit values was argued. Also was received a complex coefficient of technical readiness of the selective laser melting system for manufacturing space technology components that satisfy the high standards of space production, which can be characterized as the probability that the system will be workable at any time in addition to the planned periods, during which the intended purpose is not provided.Keywords
selective laser sintering, system analysis, parametric reliability, manufacturing accuracy, technical readinessReferences
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For citing this article
Loskutov E.N., Faida Ia.V., Gubarev A.D. Optimization and evaluation of the technical readiness of the selective laser melting for the manufacture of space technology components // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2022, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 272-278. doi: 10.26732/
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