

№2 2023


Prospects for the application of various methods of vibration processing in the welded structures of spacecraft


K.E. Ponomarev, I.V. Strelnikov


JSC «NPO Lavochkina»
Khimki, Moscow region, Russian Federation


The possibility of using vibration technologies as an alternative to heat treatment, but having a shorter duration, low energy consumption, low capital costs and comparable efficiency, is substantiated. Priority areas of application of methods of vibration treatment of critical welded structures are highlighted: post-welding and related. The advantages and difficulties in the implementation of these methods are shown: the ability to control the efficiency of postwelding processing by changing the amplitude-frequency characteristics, increasing strength and plasticity and optimizing the geometric parameters of the weld, combining the processing time together with the welding production cycle with accompanying processing. Brief results of experimental work on the criteria of residual stresses and residual deformations for different types of welded joints, such as butt, T-bar and lap joints, and several groups of materials, such as aluminum alloys, carbon steels and stainless steels, are presented. The conclusion is made about the prospects of using post-welding vibration treatment for dimensional rigid, forming a closed contour, composed of their many parts and subassemblies of welded structures in assembly-welding special conductors or universal assembly devices, as well as about the initial reduction of residual deformations during concomitant vibration treatment of welded joints.


vibration treatment, arc welding, concomitant vibration treatment, post-welding vibration treatment, residual deformation, residual stress


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For citing this article

Ponomarev K.E., Strelnikov I.V. Prospects for the application of various methods of vibration processing in the welded structures of spacecraft // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 126-131. doi: 10.26732/

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