Information and analysis service and technology for monitoring potentially hazardous areas from satellite multi-spectral sensing dataAuthors
E.F. Chichkova, D.A. Kochin, S.A. RogachevOrganization
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace InstrumentationSaint Petersburg, Russian Federation
An information and analytical service is presented, created on the basis of the practical implementation of innovative technologies in the processing of multispectral satellite data and the provision of monitoring results for potentially hazardous areas in various environments. Monitoring technologies and methods for identifying various types of underlying surfaces, including the layer-by-layer method of monitoring, are considered. Descriptions are given of specially developed methods for automatically determining the state parameters of given objects and phenomena according to multispectral aerospace sensing data. It is proposed to use digital maps of geospatial layers of information as analog models of the parameters of objects and natural areas controlled from space. The initial data for building models are aerospace information of various spatial resolutions, as well as route survey materials. A geoportal technology for presenting the results of recognition of potentially hazardous areas has been created. The developed service can be used to solve various industry problems of monitoring hazardous phenomena and background parameters of natural environments, comparable with the spatial and temporal resolution of aerospace sensing data.Keywords
information and analytical service, monitoring, potentially hazardous area, aerospace sensing, digital map, geoportal technologyReferences
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For citing this article
Chichkova E.F., Kochin D.A., Rogachev S.A. Information and analysis service and technology for monitoring potentially hazardous areas from satellite multi-spectral sensing data // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 132-141. doi: 10.26732/
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