
Open spatial data for the exploration of territories and digital services for accessing themAuthors
I.P. Karachevtseva, S.S. Dubov, M.V. Andreev, A.S. Garov, A.E. Zubarev, I.E. Nadezhdina, N.A. Kozlova, N.A. SlodarzhOrganization
Moscow State University of Geodesy and CartographyMoscow, Russian Federation
«Open Data» concept is presented considering its application for wide public access to spatial data. It is shown that some principles of the «Open Data» may not be applicable to spatial data due to their peculiarities. The information source «Navigator of Open Spatial Data» is being created at Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography to simplify access to geodata for training specialists in this field. Some aspects of the use of open spatial data are shown on the example of the Lunar data, since planetary data has the status of freely distributed. Digital services for access to planetary data are presented. Formats used for storage of spatial planetary data are discussed. Created interactive services and open lunar data accumulated at Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography provide free online access to the «Digital Moon» system, which can be considered as a collection of Lunar data, digital tools and infrastructure for processing of spatial data in the field of territory exploration. With growing artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, the potential of the created «Digital Moon» system can be expanded, and the accumulated planetary spatial data will gain additional interdisciplinary connections.Keywords
exploration of territories, open spatial data, open planetary data, Digital Moon, interactive online servicesReferences
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Karachevtseva I.P., Dubov S.S., Andreev M.V., Garov A.S., Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Kozlova N.A., Slodarzh N.A. Open spatial data for the exploration of territories and digital services for accessing them // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 142-152. doi: 10.26732/
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