
On the experience of integrating scientific and educational institutions in projects to limit anthropogenic impact on near-Earth spaceAuthors
1P.B. Dalabaev, 1B.M. Petrukhin, 1I.V. Usovik, 2A.V. BogatyOrganizations
1JSC «Central Research Institute for Machine Building»Korolyov, Moscow region, Russian Federation
2Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Moscow, Russian Federation
The history of space debris research problem development is presented. The analysis of current state of space debris in near-Earth space is carried out, prerequisites for further growth space debris in near-Earth space are shown. Concrete examples of solving problems of space debris mitigation and protecting spacecraft are demonstrated. For one of the most clogged areas of geostationary orbit, in which there are no natural factors of objects leaving, formed scientific and technical groundwork for implementation of space debris active removal of objects project with using a service spacecraft with an ion beam injection system is considered. The role and contribution of development participants in creation of scientific and technical groundwork are indicated. The advantages of proposed method of remote impact on space objects and technical aspects of the project implementation are shown. It is proposed to use organizational form of promising projects to reduce anthropogenic impact on near-Earth space in the form of a Consortium consisting of scientific, educational and industrial partners. Within framework of this form of interaction, solution of a set of tasks is provided both for creation of new promising rocket and space technology and for the education of personnel for rocket and space industry.Keywords
space debris, geostationary orbit, ion beam, space objectReferences
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For citing this article
Dalabaev P.B., Petrukhin B.M., Usovik I.V., Bogaty A.V. On the experience of integrating scientific and educational institutions in projects to limit anthropogenic impact on near-Earth space // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 153-161. doi: 10.26732/
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