
Mathematical modeling of cross-corrugated waveguide shell formationAuthors
V.V. Timofeev, I.V. Trifanov, E.V. PatraevOrganization
Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and TechnologyKrasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Flexible cross-corrugated shells are used to create flexible waveguides that connect rigid waveguides. They compensate for mounting stresses during assembly, provide temperature compensation and vibration damping. These waveguides are widely used in spacecraft communication systems, they are required – flexibility, mechanical strength, geometric accuracy and minimal energy loss when connected to the transmission line. In this paper, the process of corrugating rectangular profile pipes made of BrB 2 bronze to create transversely corrugated shells is investigated. Objectives of the work: 1) analysis of technological processes of corrugation of waveguide pipes to select the most accurate method; 2) conducting a numerical experiment to determine technological parameters. Based on the analysis of the methods of transverse corrugation, the most rational method of corrugation with a liquid punch on a solid matrix has been incorporated. The scientific novelty lies in the creation of a mathematical model based on the theory of bending moments and beam stretching. With its help, a mathematical experiment was carried out, which has an applied benefit for the calculations of technological operations, for the corrugation of a waveguide. The pressures necessary for corrugation for different corrugation geometries are found and patterns are revealed. The mathematical model has an applied use for preliminary calculations of technological operations of corrugation of rectangular pipes. The calculation allows you to choose the most optimal mode of the technological process: fluid pressure, deformation, change in yield strength, allowing you to produce a flexible waveguide qualitatively. The result of the calculations is useful in preliminary design to determine the size of the corrugating equipment and the effort required to implement the technological process of forming the corrugations of rectangular pipes.Keywords
waveguide, pressure, plastic deformation, yield strength, mathematical modeling, liquid stamping, cross-corrugated shells.References
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For citing this article
Timofeev V.V., Trifanov I.V., Patraev E.V. Mathematical modeling of cross-corrugated waveguide shell formation // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 211-219. doi: 10.26732/
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