

№3 2023


System engineering research of a multirotor aircraft as a prospective technical means of exploring the atmosphere and surface of the planet Venus


M.Yu. Yatsenko, V.A. Vorontsov, V.V. Ryzhkov


Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Moscow, Russian Federation


Currently, the exploration of the planet Venus is a very relevant and developing direction in space science. The development of rocket and space technologies has expanded the boundaries of accessibility of spacecraft to objects in the Solar System, allow for entire interplanetary expeditions, including flights to terrestrial planets, giant planets, and the outskirts of the Solar System. Currently, a program of planetary exploration for the next decades is being formed. Studying the history of expeditions to Venus and Mars clarifies the need to develop and improve methods for studying the atmosphere of the nearest planets to Earth, in particular, Venus, using vailable technical means, making them as efficient as possible. The exploration of Venus is proposed to be carried out using a technical means– a multirotor aircraft. This object is allocated as a system, and its role in the composition of the supersystem is also defined and described. The paper identifies scenarios for the functioning of the flying apparatus are highlighted, the tasks of its subsystems are described, as well as their interaction with each other. The main external factors affecting the work of the subsystems of the multirotor aircraft are presented. A functional scheme of the system is developed, as well as the main indicators used to assess the effectiveness of achieving the target task. This work is a preliminary stage before building a mathematical model.


Venus, multirotor aircraft, technical means of research, object of research, subsystem, supersystem, atmospheric density, altitude level, systems engineering research, many alternatives.


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For citing this article

Yatsenko M.Yu., Vorontsov V.A., Ryzhkov V.V. System engineering research of a multirotor aircraft as a prospective technical means of exploring the atmosphere and surface of the planet Venus // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 220-226. doi: 10.26732/

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