
Formulation of the problem of structured-element modeling of jet interference in a nozzle blockAuthors
V.D. Ilin, A.P. MashtakovOrganization
Baltic State Technical University «VOENMEH» named after D. F. UstinovSaint Petersburg, Russian Federation
The objects of research are supersonic composite jet flows, as well as structural elements of flows (shock and acoustic waves, gas dynamic discontinuity surfaces), which act with each other and with various technical objects. Such objects may be structural elements or parts of special technical systems that experience loads during operation, or are subjected to targeted effects in order to improve their mechanical properties. The research is carried out in order to develop mathematical models describing the interaction of structural elements of the flow supersonic gas jets among themselves in composite jets. When performing the work, various methods allowing to model gas-jets flows and processes are considered. To solve the problem method of structured- element modeling of gas-jet processes was chosen [1–4]. This method focused on the creation of engineering methods for calculating launch gas-dynamics problems. The scope of application of the method can cover not only space roket, also civilian industry is in part where they face the problems of jet flow. For example with the need to improve the reliability of products, their strength and metal characteristics. The direction of subsequent theoretical and experimental research, which determine the development of the structural-element method, are determined and clarified.Keywords
shock waves, mach disk, jet flows, compound jet, mathematical modeling, structured-element modelingReferences
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For citing this article
Ilin V.D., Mashtakov A.P. Formulation of the problem of structured-element modeling of jet interference in a nozzle block // Spacecrafts & Technologies, 2023, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 296-304. doi: 10.26732/
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